Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A message for those who have questioned ..

my “credibility” and “credentials” because I have not identified myself and submitted a resume. I can only say that the Constitution does not guarantee the right to free speech and expression to those who have attained a certain level of education or were born to a certain family, but rather treats ALL citizens equally. If my name were Bush, Clinton, Kennedy or Rockefeller my thoughts would still be what they are - my thoughts - which just happen to be different than many of those I see in other communications from Garrett County. And just because I have attained a higher level of education than someone else does not mean that I am right and they are wrong either. Believe me, I’ve met plenty of well-educated people who can’t figure out the most basic concepts or follow the simplest instructions and at the same time know plenty of people who didn't complete high school and yet are still very intelligent and capable of critical thinking and thoughtful analysis of complex issues.

If you want to question what is written here in a thoughtful manner be my guest, all opinions are welcomed.

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for future updates.

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