Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday's Deep Creek Price Change Spotlight

This week's highlighted property comes with an interesting twist (and it's no April Fool's Joke either). Not only is the price change a dramatic one, but the seller is also a bit of a surprise. 2834 STOCKSLAGER Rd was delisted on March 27th and relisted March 29th for $1,299,000. In between, the price decreased by $250,000 (a cool quarter million). The seller, a local bank and trust. So you might ask, why are they selling now? Good question. Several possibilities come to mind: (1) raising capital, (2) rental income below expectations, (3) executives can no longer justify owning a luxury residence to shareholders, (4) locking in a profit before possible changes to tax and accounting rules, (5) no longer interested in managing a rental property, (6) believe market is in decline and will not get a better price in the future? I'm just brainstorming and speculating here, but can anyone come up with other possibilities?

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for your future updates on Deep Creek real estate.

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