Wednesday, June 18, 2008

America for Sale ..

With the news that an American icon, Anheuser-Busch, may be sold to a foreign company, Belgium's InBev, I thought I would provide a link to this editorial by Fortune senior editor-at-large, Geoff Colvin, in which he predicts more of the same unless we change our ways. The last three paragraphs are especially worth reading and the final paragraph does offer a ray of hope as seen below, but as is generally the case it is completely up to us to change our bad behavior.

"We can turn our situation around by saving more and spending less, and market forces, such as a weakening dollar, will help us do that. But every day we don't, the hole we have to climb out of gets a little deeper."

If you don't want your children and grandchildren to be working as indentured servants for foreign investors and oil tycoons maybe you should consider what you can do today to prevent this from happening. In the words of Teddy Roosevelt, "each one must do his part" and for my part I hope to encourage others to wake up and make changes.

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for future updates.

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