Thursday, July 17, 2008

After reading my post from a few days ago on questionable ads from the NAR ..

someone was kind enough to send me this link to an article from the Motley Fool as well as this video embedded below. The video is a bit of an exaggeration but he really is a realtor with RE/MAX Allegiance and there is no denying that a lot of real estate agents in a lot of markets are getting very desperate at this point. Some will move on to other jobs, some saved wisely from the prior boom years knowing that real estate, like other investment classes, can be very cyclical and others will tough it out until we get through the current tough time. In the meantime, however, some will try anything to stay afloat so do your due diligence and don't be deceived into a deal that is bad for you but simply lets them live another day.

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for future updates.

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