Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some interesting letters to the editor in this week's Republican newspaper ..

Maybe the tide is shifting a bit on the issue of wind turbines, but then again this is only one week and by next week the anti-wind advocates could have another string of letters about how wind turbines of all shapes and sizes won't work, will hurt tourism, kill birds, damage the environment and ruin property values. Maybe some of those who spoke out so loudly in the past are having second thoughts now or maybe they have bigger things to worry about than wind turbines. Time will tell.

And just to add something to Dr. Leighton's letter on the application of vertical axis wind turbines you may remember that I mentioned this class of wind turbines earlier on this very blog in reference to Jay Leno and a company called PacWind. So I'm sure there are even more out there beyond those she and I have listed that may work for your specific application.

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for future updates.

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