Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I guess there is no time to teach financial responsibility in that "two to three weeks it takes to get your real estate license" ..

after watching the video of Stacey, the real estate professional from California, on the Suze Orman show I was really shocked (well not really because I've met a number of "Staceys" myself) that someone who had been working in the real estate business for 10 years was absolutely clueless when it came to her personal finances (and we can only assume her clients' as well since her poor decisions regarding the financing of her own home as well as an investment property left her essentially bankrupt). So I was curious what kind of training these professionals really get before they are licensed to sell properties and after a quick search found the following video from a "real estate expert" in Texas.

There are a series of these videos which are set-up to coach someone through the process of getting a real estate license, but pay attention near the end of this one as she tells you how you can have your license in no time. Anyone think it might be time to raise the bar just a little bit?!? Given the crisis we currently find ourselves in it might even help give these folks some credibility and help restore some confidence in the market. Just a thought I had when I realized in less time than I've spent writing this blog I could have gotten my license to go out there and tell people to get loan with the cheapest possible monthly payment and buy, buy, buy! Based on what I've seen I'm pretty sure that would have been Stacey's advice as she raked in $136,000 in fees during 2006 before the California bubble burst.

Real Estate School Benefits -- powered by ExpertVillage.com

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