Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jon Boone has apparently resurfaced ..

His letter to the Republican Newspaper last week blasts Commissioner Fred Holliday and once again authoritatively states that wind turbines are one of the dumbest ideas ever conceived (despite the fact that no one can show that he is actually an authority on the subject or can match the lofty and inflated resume his friends have touted for him).

Several times in the past I have seen him mention efficiency in his arguments against using turbines to produce energy. Often though I have wondered if Mr. Boone or any of his family members happen to own an automobile. Afterall, applying the same standard these death-trap, hurling vessels operate at such minuscule efficiencies and result in so many deaths that their use should immediately be discontinued and the person who first imagined the concept be made a mockery in the history books. What? You didn't realize that the efficiency of the typical automotive internal combustion engine is just 20%.

In Henry Ford's days Jon Boone's forefathers surely declared internal combustion engines the "dumbest energy ideas imaginable". Granted there have been "side effects" related to their widespread and wasteful use, however, one would certainly have a hard time claiming there was no national economic benefit associated with the invention and use of automobiles powered by inefficient internal combustion engines. It seems Mr. Boone's repeated mention of inefficiency is one of several red herrings he uses to divert the real discussion.

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for future updates.

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