Monday, March 21, 2011

Another Property Emerges from the Shadows ..

388 BRANT Rd is back with a new low price, $799,900. The same property was listed last summer for $845,000 before falling into the Deep Creek Shadow Inventory. Now, it's back and priced well below the 2007 sold price of $840,000.

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for your future updates on Deep Creek real estate.


Ned said...

Thanks for the heads up on this property! This looks like a great deal for Deep Creek Lake lakefront. Thanks for keeping us up to date on these awesome deals! With the interest rates where they are and the soft side of the cycle, I'm def considering buying!

Dan said...

Thank you for the very specific comment. So specific, in fact, that it could really only come from one of two people: the seller or a real estate agent. I have my hunches, but I'll reply to both to cover all the bases.

Come on man, we know you aren't going to by your own property. Even if you could give yourself another loan.

Real estate agent,
Come on man, that's the same sales pitch you used in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Since you've been wrong so many times before, why should we buy this same old line now?

Others might ask how I can be so certain this posting didn't come from a potential buyer; well, ask yourself this, if you found a "great deal" on Ebay or Craigslist would you tell everyone about it before or after you bought it? It just doesn't make sense for a buyer to encourage others to bid against him and drive up the price, does it? These "potential buyers" show up here from time to time to tout their listings as great deals that they will buy, but then they never seem to sell, so it's not hard to figure out where these posts really come from.