Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Garrett County Real Estate Sales by Year Since 1999 ..

Source: MAR

The table shows the big gains of the early 2000s reversing course after 2005. The plunge of the last four or five years has left 2010 total sales dollar volume just above the level from back in 2001, thus making Deep Creek real estate an ill-liquid asset to some and an ill-liquid liability to others. Despite the modest improvement over 2009, the table also shows that 2010 total sales dollar volume was still more than 50% below the level of 2005 transactions in terms of total dollar volume. Throw out the distressed sales and 2010 may have been negative relative to 2009 - a project for another day.

As for those average sales prices, check out this posting on real estate agent math.

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for your future updates on Deep Creek real estate.

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