Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another Property Emerges from the Shadows ..

200 STILWATER Dr after being delisted in mid-January, is now out of the Deep Creek Shadow Inventory and listed for the third time since 2008. Priced more than $100,000 below the 2006 purchase price. Could it be that this one is not bringing in the rental income to cover the bills?

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for your future updates on Deep Creek real estate.


Anonymous said...

I want to thank you for the important work you are doing with this blog. I utilized a good deal of the info you have placed here to formulate a substantial case that my assessment was seriously overstated. Your site, and the info you provided allowed me to prove the RE is performing MUCH worse than the Dept of Assessments and Taxation estimates and will lead, I am sure, to a substantial reduction in my assessed value. I will let you know the results when I get them.

Thanks again for your service to Garrett County land owners.....I wish you were a RE agent!

Dan said...

Thanks for the comment. I appreciate the fact that my leg-work is being put to good use (by buyers, sellers, and owners too). Please share with your friends and be sure to check out my latest post on real estate agent math. It helps to explain some of the faulty logic behind the real estate agent claims of astronomically rising values.

Ned said...


You keep saying I'm an agent but I'm not. Explain to your numerous readers why you won't publish both sides of the equation like the links I gave to you. I will respectfully cease from commenting here because it's like watching FOX NEWS.

Dan said...


Most recently, I said you had an association with a local real estate agency. This is based on the fact that a number of your posts came from a computer hosted on a Long and Foster network. Seems pretty clear to me you are not who you say you are.