If you want to question what is written here in a thoughtful manner be my guest, all opinions are welcomed.
June 2008
Now what was that I was reading about property values being up and the DCL market being "well and improving daily". Obviously this is only one property but this observer is unconvinced that the market for existing houses has improved at all since 2006.
July 2008
Contrary to something I read on a Deep Creek real estate blog at the end of May, the credit crisis is still with us.
After reading that particular comment in May, I knew something had to be done to prevent such misinformation from being distributed as if it were truth. I will continue to do just that.
September 2008
After seeing so much misleading information out there urging consumers to risk their own future so that someone else could profit I felt compelled to create this website and offer an alternative to what I felt was a constant stream of bad or misleading information. Today, much less misinformation is finding its way online in Garrett County, so in that respect this blog has been a far greater success than I initally imagined. Thank you all for continuing to keep tabs on what is posted here and for sharing your own thoughts as well.
November 2008
My simple hypothesis is, and has been, that prices will have to come down considerably for supply and demand to meet. So if this proves to be true as it has been in many other parts of the country (and in previous bubbles), now is not necessarily a good time to be a buyer. Generally, I have avoided saying it was a good/bad time to buy and instead encouraged readers to use their negotiating power which by all accounts is currently in a bull market.
If someone wants to buy a piece of property they are free to do so for whatever reason they would like, however, I don't think they should be "talked into it" by someone claiming now is a great time to buy based on incomplete and misleading information or advertising. Compare my blog to other Deep Creek real estate blogs that claimed the market was "strong" and "well and improving daily" and that the credit crisis was over in May and then decide who has credibility and who doesn't.
March 2009
Here at this blog we don't need to make sales so we are free to tell you the real story instead of passing off the latest canned sales and marketing pitch as honest and objective analysis. You won't hear "buy now" here, but you will get real inventory numbers (which I noted last year were exploding while others were still in denial) and real analysis of what it all means. I've also used real numbers to show you that statements such as "even if home prices continue to decline they will not go low enough to compensate for the increase in interest rates to come" are just flat wrong.
June 2010
In 2008, when others said the local market was well and improving daily, I was trying to warn people to proceed with caution. Clearly some didn't have the benefit of my advice; now, this Deep Creek property is back on the market just two years later with the "owners" (more likely their bank and you and I as taxpayers) facing a loss of at least $150k (likely more and growing by the day). It's a shame that so many people get such bad advice.
June 2010
Signs that things were ever well and improving daily are few and far between. Given that local real estate agents are once again trying to pump up the market and tell you that now is a good time to buy, I thought I'd follow up on one of my first posts on this blog and provide a historical view of May inventory levels and sales in the Garrett County real estate market.
Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for your future updates on Deep Creek real estate.
Sunday's NY Times has a story in line with my Nov 2008 comments suggesting that less stimulus may equal more long-term stability for the housing market (which would be good news for all).
Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/06/business/economy/06housing.html?_r=1&ref=todayspaper
Housing Woes Bring New Cry: Let Market Fall
Published: September 5, 2010
You are providing a wealth of information--I appreciate what you are doing.
Thanks for your comment J. Glad to hear that you appreciate the blog as a source of information. Are you currently looking to buy a place @ DCL?
Unfortunately, trying to sell. Even though your blog is painful for a seller to read, it is a dose of reality.
Good luck to you!
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