Thursday, November 20, 2008

Update to a previous posting ..

some time ago I blogged about an agent-owned lake access lot that was being listed for sale at what appeared to be a loss to the seller. Several days later, that seller confirmed on his own blog that he would indeed be selling the lot at a loss but stated that the listing price was "fair" and I followed up with another posting stating that I was glad that real estate agents seemed to be practicing my advice over their own.

The lot in question has now officially been sold at about a 15% discount to the price the agent deemed "fair" back in August. Hopefully people see this as another example of who not to take purchase price advice from when considering real estate purchases. Furthermore, the significant loss incurred on the pair of transactions spanning 18 months from April 2007 to the present time demonstrates that property values in the Deep Creek area are not increasing across the board as some have claimed. Buyer beware.

Don't forget to check back to Dan's Deep Creek Blog for future updates.

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